Taking on Africa for Bibles
Two sisters, Lynsey and Suzann Knoetzen, determined to “find themselves” on a recent holiday rediscovered the Bible instead. It changed their lives – and now they want to help to change the lives of others in Africa too.
Lynsey enthused, “While we studied the Bible, something just clicked in my mind. I realised that it was what I was missing in my life. I had this overwhelming feeling that everyone needed to know about this. The Word had to get out!”
A gruelling journey in aid of Bibles stemmed from this conviction. On 13 July it became a reality when they departed from L’Agulhas, the southernmost tip of Africa, the first of 14 stages of cycling.
Now a few days later, with only a minor mishap to report, Lynsey relayed, “We’ve had some hard hills and long days, but it’s just the beginning and we’re feeling great.”
The route will take them along the scenic coast of South Africa, before they turn inland and proceed to Botswana. Once there, they will then cycle along the eastern boundary of the picturesque Okavango Delta, on to Zambia, and further en route pass the southern tip of Lake Malawi. They will conclude the trip at the foot of the mighty Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, in November. Ascending this mountain is the next challenge. All in all, they will cover 9 000 km in aid of Bibles through this feat.
The Knoetzen sisters will have an accompanying support team and vehicle and will also distribute Bibles along the way. The funds generated will be in support of the Bible Society of South Africa, as well as Bible Societies in Botswana, Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania.
For more information and to follow their progress, visit www.crossafrica.org.